2011 Tokyo Designer’s Week

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What’s in this for you?

Japan has a ton of inspiring, creative and clever design. If you don’t have a chance to get to a major design event (like Tokyo Designer’s Week) in Japan, you’re missing out on a lot of “Woah, that’s amazing” moments.

If you’re one of the unlucky to find yourself in that situation, you’re as close as you can get to the real thing, right here—minus the aching legs, twenty-five dollar entrance fee and long lines to get some food. You’re welcome!

We managed to spend our Sunday in Aoyama, right in the heart of Tokyo, checking out some of the most incredible design in Japan at Tokyo Designer’s Week. Here, we’re featuring a few of those gems. We meant to get some more but it was a no photo event. That being said, the exhibitors who said we could take a photo are here but we could only use an iPhone instead of the digital SLR.

Thumb Puppet – Mikke Remikke

Rubber Band Shooter – Appliance Studio

Rubber Band Ring Shooter

Rice Packaging Design

Banana Insect – Switch Design

Animated Wall of Waves – Team Lab

Teamlab Animated Waves Display

Angels Mosaic

Paper Plane Installation