Content Marketing is Important:

B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those without blogs.

Business 2 Community

66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an e-mail marketing message.

Business 2 Community

Companies that acquired customers from Facebook: B2C is 77% and B2B is 43%.

State of Inbound Marketing

Follow-up sales and retention are the result of two primary elements of the marketing process: timing and trust. This is relevant for any culture: whether western or Japanese.

Here’s how content creation as a core element of your digital marketing campaign handles that for you.

Content Marketing to Nail Timing

Depending on your product or service, there may be a gap between a customer’s first purchase and their second (and thereafter third, fourth, etc.). What’s most important for all of these things is to ensure that you have an amazing product. We already know you’ve got that locked down. Next task is to nail timing.

Ensure that your company is fresh in their minds when they’re ready to buy again by developing frequent and relevant content. This often comes in the form of a blog, social media, or even email marketing.

Here’s a synopsis:

You sell direct-to-your-door wine delivery services. You also have an active email marketing campaign and/or social media campaign. You publish updates as to your wine offerings, recommendations for wine/food pairing, and even advertise information about area events and great wine-related content by industry professionals.

Now, let’s say that one of your social media followers has scheduled a house party for the upcoming weekend and would like to have a bit of wine. Because of your perseverance in online marketing, she just happened to see something from you within the last few days. That means your brand is fresh in her mind. She’s reminded of that shop down the street, but also your company. In a world where everyone is busy, a quick phone call or online order form is a lot less intrusive than running to the store and choosing something. She easily track you down on your Facebook page, contacts you, and places an order on her lunch break.

You’ve just nailed timing.

What’s key is that she just saw you. Merely having a Facebook page will not matter unless you’re constantly updating and staying active.

How do you do this?

As mentioned in the above synopsis, you need to go where your customers are: their email inboxes and their social media accounts.

A third angle is blogging. Blogging allows you to put your real expertise out to your customers and give them real, more information-heavy value. Not to mention its formidable ties and cross-connection with other angles of your digital marketing process (attracting customers and making new sales).


People want to buy from those “in the know” and/or from those who have taken care of them in the past. Content marketing helps you expand upon both of these angles to your customers.

Valuable content; curated service offerings and deals; and little known insights will all give your customers the accurate impression that you know your stuff. Partner that with a delightful experience they’ve had with you in the past and you enable them to enjoy your services again—and again, and again.

If you’re working with a Japanese target market, it’s important to understand that this is even more important. The Japanese market trust a robust marketing strategy, their friends’ and family’s recommendations, or a wealth of information/content as a sign of a dependable product and company. We would go so far as to say that content is even more important in the Japanese market than in the western.

We Can Help

Humble Bunny’s Results:

  • Email Marketing
    • Open Rate: 23.6% (Industry Average: 16.4%)
    • Click through Rate: 3.6% (Industry Average: 2.4%)
  • Social Media Averages
    • +375% engagement boost on Facebook
    • +400% exposure boost on FB
  • Blog Content Creation
    • 10x increase in page views per blog (through social bookmarking, integrated promotion in social media)
    • 2x increase in “on-page” time (interaction)

Build a Free Content Marketing Plan

We work with native English and Japanese copywriters and marketers to ensure that your unique message, target market, and goals are being proactively reached and addressed. We’d be happy to sit down with you face-to-face and go over some potential strategies to help your company power forward. Set up a meeting with us via the form below and we’ll help you with a no pressure, preliminary plan.