LLS Light the Night Walk in Tokyo

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light the Night participants

Take a quick look at Humble Bunny’s about page or our ‘No Pressure Sales Promise’ and you’ll quickly see that helping others is a major cornerstone to what motivates us to do design and marketing here at Humble Bunny.

Last weekend, we had a chance to donate to a cause that hits close to home for us. On Saturday, May 9th, 2015, I took a walk as part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk event here in Tokyo.

Why the LLS?

Before I was working full time in the design and marketing business, I got my foot in the door, here in Japan, similar to the way a lot of foreigners do when they’re anxious to come over to this country: by getting a position as an English instructor. At a school I used to work at, we had a young and very talented female student. I didn’t know her well as she wasn’t my immediate student, but as time went on, I began to see her and her family a bit more at neighborhood events, and built up a small relationship with them. As time passed and I had left to focus on Humble Bunny, I got news that the youngest son of that family had gotten Leukemia. He battled through it for a good while and even received a bone marrow donation from his sister (the student), but eventually lost his fight at the beginning of this year.

As coincidence would have it, about a month ago a personal friend of mine requested me to participate in the walk to honor his late father, who also passed away from Leukemia at nearly the same time. After checking out their site and seeing their very transparent financial details along with (what we consider to be) a very reasonable 75.5% given directly to cause-related efforts, we decided to support.

Why donate at all?

Again, we’re always looking for a way to help people out. In fact, through our design work, we’ve been able to not only help and participate in the LLS Light the Night Walk this last weekend, but we’ve also worked with Shine On! Kids (a company that supports children of cancer and their families) both professionally, and by donating manpower to their events. We did some branding consultation and production for Niko Niko Taishi and have built close professional relationships with a few other humanitarian-oriented organizations as well:

New Life Ministries
Wheelchairs of Hope

The Walk

The walk started off at Sydney’s residence, as the event was set up by her to honor and support her mother, a survivor of the disease. We walked along with three survivors: about 2 kilometers through Hiroo and the surrounding area.

The walk consisted of three different types of participants: supporters, those in memory of individuals passed, and survivors. Respectively each holding a red, yellow, or white balloon. That means I walked with a yellow balloon.

To all the survivors, we wish you continued success and triumph over the battle. And for those who have lost, our hearts go out to you in support.