Why does this matter to you?
If you’re interested in protecting the environment, saving money for your business or feel sympathy towards those suffering from the March 11, 2011 earthquake, this article is for you.
In this post, we’re taking a look at the ways that Japanese companies are informing their customers that they care about all of the above things.
The Trigger…
…occurred on March 11th when a massive earthquake sparked a tsunami that blew through the north-eastern coast of Japan. With it’s fury, it debilitated a number of power plants. Most notably, the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant, was put out of commission and Japan was unexpectedly plunged into a nuclear crisis.
However, the Fukushima plant wasn’t the only plant put out of commission.
Due to the earthquake and following tsunami, three nuclear reactors were forced into cold shutdown, thus eliminating over 11,000 megawatts of much-needed power in Japan—and that’s just the nuclear impact. Due to this sudden energy crisis, Tokyo Electric and the Japanese government have asked the people of Japan to limit the use of electricity.
Getting the Message Out
In order to spread the cause, Tokyo Electric and a number of other companies have begun distributing posters and graphics to companies.
The goal: Inform your customers that you’re conscious of the energy crisis and the environment. It’s also an attempt to avoid customers getting all worked up because, through the dimmed lighting, they can’t get a good photo of the colorful arrangement of sashimi spread out before them.
As implied from the statement above, you can find this stuff everywhere. From fast food restaurants to apartment buildings, bakeries to train stations. Take a look!