Digital Marketing Job Position in Tokyo, Japan

Take charge of Client Success, and Experience the Sprawl of Tokyo

We’re currently on the lookout for a highly organized and passionate digital marketer to come into Humble Bunny, blast out ideas, and help sculpt and refine our offering for the future. See below for more detail on available positions.

Who Are We?

Located in Yurakucho, with Ginza, Hibiya and Tokyo only a few minutes walk away.

To introduce ourselves, we’re Humble Bunny. We help inbound global brands adapt to the market and market for better traffic, conversion, and retention. We have a myriad of services, but focus primarily on web design, Ecommerce, SEO, and Paid Advertising.

Based in the heart of Tokyo, not only do we have a playful name, but also a playful spirit. Don’t let the pastel pink colors deceive you though, we’re here to work hard, create some amazing things for our Clients, and really push the boundaries of the marketing industry in Japan.

Through the use of quantified data, a perfect synergy between creativity and performance, and an underlying unique process aimed at delving to the root of culture and insight, our goal is to be Tokyo’s #1 boutique web marketing company for inbound global businesses.

We’re also here to absorb the country’s amazing culture, nurture new relationships, and even speak a little nihongo all the while.

Our work style is easy: work with a fervor and passion to support our Clients and peers, while spending ample time loving life with friends and family. It’s a concept trickled down from our president:

“In Japan you hear stories about 70 hour work weeks being the norm. The first time I came to Japan I was trapped in this reality. We at Humble Bunny are the opposite. We are able to positively collaborate for our Clients, drawing on the strengths of each member of the team, whilst maintaining a healthy relationship with our personal ties.

We’re serious about quality, and serious about our responsibilities, just like any other Japanese company, but we do it by working effectively, quickly, and without overburdening ourselves with too many Clients and too much work.

We’re looking for people who can work with integrity and humility towards the success of their peers and Humble Bunny’s Clients, but are also able to switch off and be a citizen and contributor to the international aura of Tokyo and Japan.”

Our President, Nate

Join up with Humble Bunny, live your life the way you choose to, and empower your career by being on the forefront of creative decision making, innovative marketing executions, and an ever-changing landscape of Client and industry categories.

The Humble Bunny Mission

As the name says, we’re looking for humble people.

Our mission is one that you feel intrinsically drawn to: helping those around you achieve success and happiness. It’s a selfless venture which our staff believe is the catalyst for building strong relationships and even one’s own happiness and success. You are someone who believes in doing good unto others.

By helping others, we’re able to proudly carry forward our goals: to be one of Tokyo’s premier boutique web marketing companies.

Learn Along the Way

We really push the ‘learning-by-doing’ approach. If you feel that at a method could be improved, or a new technique should be adopted, we welcome with open arms any innovative ways of boosting our efficiency.

On the projects side, if you have a passion or something you want to do, bring it in and we’ll help you facilitate it. It could be an industry you want to work in, a project idea you have, or an amazing idea for building business. Just take a look of the kind of names we’ve worked with in the past…

Who have we worked with?


We’ve worked with some of the world’s most well-known brands. Some of them we can’t even post up above. That means there’s real opportunity for you to get involved with names that are going to shine on your portfolio. We also work with a lot of medium-sized companies, where you’ll have more of your decisions make it through to the final work!

What Are We Are Looking For?

As a Digital Marketing Specialist at Humble Bunny, you will be expected to help us to build up and expand upon creative ideas for success as it relates to traffic, conversion, and retention for the HB brand and our Clients.

As a marketing specialist, your most valuable tool is an innate nature to question the status quo, and be hungry for a unique solution. If someone’s response of “it can’t be done” is ironically a motivator for you, talk to us.

Moreover, you and Humble Bunny both possess high-standards and want the quality of our output to be beyond expectation. This requires great time-management to meet deadlines, as well as ‘outside-the-box’ thinking to provide the wow factor our Clients deserve.

You should have command and be able to demonstrate the following skills/traits:

  • Highly Organized
  • Comfortable creating and following processes
  • Analytical
  • Commercial Awareness (Especially of Japan)
  • An Active Listener
  • Teamwork
  • Proactive Attitude
  • Management and Leadership

What Is Required?

  • Fluent or Native in English
  • 3+ Years of Experience, or full-time equivalent, in Digital Marketing (including experience with SEO/Content Marketing, PPC, and Analytics)
  • Educated to at least Undergraduate Degree-level (A mixed background is welcome, we love gaining new insights from different degree backgrounds)
  • Currently Located in or (available to come to) Tokyo for an Interview

Highly Desirable

  • Creative Capability (i.e. Design, Copywriting, Photography, Video Production, etc.)
  • Experience with Web Design and E-commerce
  • Project Management/Team Management Experience
  • Client Relations Experience
  • Japanese Language ability

And Finally… What Can We Offer You for Working at Humble Bunny?

Again, this might be a bit cheeky to say, but we’re pretty sure that Humble Bunny offers Tokyo’s most competitive flex package. Take a look:

Unlimited Paid Time Off

At Humble Bunny, we hire responsible and trustworthy staff. That means we’re able to offer them the freedom to take time off when life beckons. Wanna grab a three-day weekend to hang with your friends? Not a problem here at Humble Bunny. Wanna do two weeks in Malaysia just to refresh? You’ve worked hard and deserve that.

Remote Work Policy

All full-time staff member are given a 4-day remote work scheme. Essentially, we meet up once a week (Wednesdays to be exact) to stay friends, but the other 4 days are fully remote. As long as each member follows our remote policy guidelines and is delivering on time and on quality, they can continue doing so. Imagine being able to save those 1 hour one-way commutes on crowded Tokyo trains. That’s essentially 8 hours a week back in your control. Awesome right?

35-Hour Work Weeks

All staff are empowered to be in control and command of their tasks and work schedules. If you’re getting your work done and adding extra value to the company within a 7-hour day, you deserve to finish up early. As a marketing company, there are times when everyone’s gotta step up to the plate and help with a big project launch so no, you won’t always work an exact 35 hours, but by taking on projects we can sustain and manage properly, you’ll certainly see a level of freedom that averages you less than what you’re working now.

Flex Time Working Hours

Our staff enjoy flexibility on when to be on, and when to be off. With our core hour from 11am to 4pm, we ask that you be available during this period, but you can wrap up early or start later depending on what your unique life demands. Combined with our 35-hour work week, remote policy, and unlimited vacation scheme, you’re looking at quite a bit of flexibility.

Paid Referrals For Clients

HB offers a generous referral pay out for successful Client introductions. No seriously, like two weeks in Europe level pay outs. You help us grow, we say a proper thank you.

Paid Referrals For Staff

Finding people who can help us power on: that’s the core of our growth. If you think someone’s a good fit for the company and we end up bringing them on, we’ll give you some cash to play with for that contribution as well.

40% Profit Share Scheme

Most companies in Japan offer a bonus scheme, but the calculation is shrouded and misses the mark in two ways: 1) it fails to truly communicate the performance of the company; and 2) doesn’t give staff a feeling that their effort is being factored into their profit.

We set out to build a transparent profit share that solves this, and shows our staff that their efforts are immediately responsible for the company’s growth and also, their financial well-being.

Three times a year, we pay 40% of the company’s profit out to the team. The way it works is like this: In the applicable quarter, we calculate our balance sheet. 40% of the profit is put into a bucket. We then divy that up into a price-per-point based on our team size. From there, depending on how many points you’ve accrued during that quarter (based primarily on executions, but also on qualifications, introductions, etc.), your bonus is calculated and then paid out. A savvy individual (which you are), could easily reverse engineer the formula to find out the profit (if we haven’t already told you). Transparent and simple.

Other Great Stuff

  • Health insurance and Social Security (Pension)
  • Social and Unemployment Insurance
  • Visa sponsorship
  • Professional Office Space in Central Tokyo

Long Term Benefits

As a small company, the ladder to the top is not only completely accessible, but relatively short. For individuals who would like to offer a vested interest and long-term energy into Humble Bunny, we’re prepared to offer leader-level positions, partnerships, and equity share opportunities in exchange for your boosted responsibilities and devotion to the growth of the company.

If you’re interested in a place where there’s no glass ceiling, just an open-to-the-sky sunroof, Humble Bunny could be the perfect place for you.


What Internal Tools Do We Use?

  • Slack (for daily communication)
  • Google Drive (for file/resource sharing)
  • Asana (for daily task & performance management)
  • More Asana (for project management, delegation and creating timelines)

HB Staff Never Work Overtime?

If we have something tight and there’s a project and/or relationship on the line, we expect the team to step up and kick ass to get it done WITHIN working hours. Those who can’t, will need to take responsibility to finish it up, but their hours are considered “credited” via the 35-hour work week. We’ll also work with the employee and the team as a whole to better manage time and ensure future productivity is on course with the company’s initiatives.

Who Shouldn’t Apply?

  1. Those who are uncomfortable in an English-language environment. We’re a mix of cultures both Japanese and other. If you have strong communication skills, you’ll be fine, but this is best suited for someone comfortable with the day-to-day in English. All applicants are welcome, including you if you’re Japanese.
  2. Those who do not have any professional experience in digital marketing
  3. Those who have no interest in digital marketing or web design. We’re a company that takes great pride in our core offerings, we want you to share the same passion as us :)

How does HB Manage Unlimited Vacation?

It’s easy. Things come up in our personal lives that we would love to take part in. Work shouldn’t be crippling our ability to do those things, but rather facilitating that. Staff are required to diligently fill out their daily task logs and complete their responsibilities to a professional level. Individuals who respect and follow the system, are privy to the perks. As long as these things are managed, individuals have freedom to do what they would like.