Housing Japan English SEO

Client Details

Industry Real estate.
Service Luxurious apartments for rent and sale, mostly in Tokyo.
Target market Foreign high net worth individuals and investors.
Objective Increasing organic traffic coming to the page and indirectly boosting the number of apartment rents and sales.

What We Achieved

Project Details

Housing Japan is the leading real estate agency, helping foreign high net worth individuals and investors rent, buy, sell, and manage high-end properties in the Japanese market.

As always we dove deep into the keyword research process, evaluating over 275,000 of good potential keywords through the perspective of search volume, the proximity of the client’s target market (how likely is the person to be in the market for the Housing Japan services), and service proximity to the search intent (objective user’s intent of the keyword, based on the actual results in Google, showing how easily the keyword can be steered towards the Housing Japan services).

We ended up shortlisting 5 keyword categories (clusters) with a total number of 124 keywords. For future reporting, optimizations, and progress evaluation purposes we benchmarked the keyword positions at that time.

Learn more about our Japanese SEO process in the blog ‘Our Keyword Research Process for SEO in Japanese’.

After that, we moved to the ongoing component of our SEO package: creating 2 advanced SEO blogs per month with a precise keyword-targeting objective. This powerful SEO push was accompanied by a flexible, opportunity-focused package of hours dedicated to activities like meta optimizations, backlink acquisition, existing content improvements, etc. With a clear objective and keyword-targeting strategy in place, we were flexible to apply those hours in accordance with Housing Japan’s needs and goals.

Organic Traffic Volume

Advanced SEO Japan organic traffic report by Humble Bunny

*Housing Japan organic traffic report (data hidden for privacy reasons).

The number of users that visit a website through the search engines (organic traffic) is the main focus of every SEO project. In the case of Housing Japan, more website visits were connected to more inquiries about apartments and ultimately more rents and buys.

Just in the first month of launching the keyword-targeting blogs and optimizing the website for SEO, we achieved a 17.8% increase in organic traffic month on month. It was also a record compared to the entire previous year!

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Keyword Performance

Advanced SEO Japan keyword rank report by Humble Bunny

*Housing Japan keyword rank report (data hidden for privacy reasons).

Throughout the course of the project, Humble Bunny was closely monitoring the rank of Housing Japan for all of the 124 targeted keywords. By issuing and analyzing keyword rank and organic traffic reports on a monthly basis, we knew precisely which keywords would benefit from optimizations or what content to create for the best possible outcome and success for our client.

Our Content Creation Process

Advanced blog content created under SEO Japan project for Housing Japan

*Housing Japan SEO blog on desktop and mobile.

Humble Bunny’s advanced content creation process starts with a robust reporting and data-driven approach. Knowing precisely which keywords would benefit most from creating an SEO blog, we focus our time on the deliveries that will yield best possible results. To stay on top of this detailed data, as well as present it to Housing Japan in an organized and easily understandable way, we were delivering both organic traffic and keyword rank reports on a monthly basis.

By recommending a variety of good potential blog topics, along with content intent, data that was backing up the creation of each individual piece, and the targeted keyword, the client was able to easily choose 2 content ideas to focus on each month.

We start our advanced content creation process by establishing the demographics and persona of the potential readers. This, along with evaluating the solutions to the problems our targeted audience may have, leads us to finalizing an outline.
Finally, we draft the content following an extensive quality checklist, which among other important points includes:

  • at least 1000 words
  • giving 25 to 50% more depth, detail, and clarity of information than other blogs of the same topic
  • at least 2 call-to-action buttons and 2 internal links
  • minimum of 2 research-based statistics or insights
  • at least 2 tweetable and inspirational pull-out points
  • each blog must directly reference the client’s projects, case studies, or experience

Humble Bunny Flexibility

SERPwatcher SEO Japan Housing Japan keyword data

*Housing Japan SERPwatcher dashboard overview (data hidden for privacy reasons).

What separates our SEO service from competitors is not only an advanced and data-driven content creation process but also a very flexible approach that is tailored for the client’s needs.

For optimum results, we committed to interviewing Housing Japan real estate specialists in order to extract valuable insights and create content that would become an industry-leading source of information. Humble Bunny was committed to learning about the real estate market, addressing the client’s feedback to the content, and applying all of the newly available research and insights from Housing Japan specialists for the best possible results.

Another example of our flexibility was adjusting the reporting structure to meet our client’s global needs. Housing Japan needed a detailed overview of organic traffic performance for all of the top geographic regions. We have customized our monthly reports to clearly present organic metrics like the number of sessions, pageviews, users, as well as organic bounce rate and average time on page per geographic region.

Get a free quote and explore more details about our SEO Japan service!

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