Reima Japan SEO

Client Details

Project type:

IndustryLuxury consumer goods/fashion.
ProductLeather bags and accessories.
AudienceHigh-end Japanese consumers.
ObjectiveIncreasing sales via the e-commerce channel by pay-per-click advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Google.

What We Achieved

Reima seo case study stats blocks

Organic Traffic Volume

Organic web traffic SEO report for Reima

Raising the organic traffic volume is a key metric for any SEO project, and for Reima, we were able to produce some pretty incredible results! Over 2023, we consistently built up organic traffic throughout the year resulting in a 123.2% increase from January to October, culminating in a 40% increase from September to October alone. 

In driving a higher amount of traffic to the website, we aim to improve brand recognition and trust in the Japanese market. Japanese consumers have generally low levels of trust towards companies, making building this base a crucial aspect of overall success. We have also subtly worked in product placements throughout our articles to continue to boost awareness of Reima products without compromising user experience on the page. 

Does Your Organic Traffic
Need A Boost?

Keyword Performance

We started with a base number of several hundred tracked keywords, and have since grown that to a total of 406 keywords. Our benchmark placement in most cases was a rank of 101+, so we knew we had a lot of work to do to start building authority and raising Reima’s ability to rank for targeted keywords and topics. Within our first six months, we made significant progress, particularly around the topic of sustainable clothing with the targeted keyword raising up to an average of 93.3 places on search, reaching the first page of results.

Humble Bunny's Reima case study keyword performance data

Over time, we began to further develop authority in the realm of children’s clothing and childrearing in general and were able to replicate this success with other clusters as well. By raising the rank of targeted keywords, we were able to increase clicks year over year by 70.8%. Our impressions also increased by 239.5% from January to October (time of writing) in 2023 alone!

Within the first 6 months, we had a key targeted keyword ranking up to an average of 93.3 places higher on search, reaching the first page of results.

Our Content Creation Process

Reima SEO blog article sample for case study

Humble Bunny’s advanced content creation process starts with robust reporting and a data-driven approach, combined with seasonal knowledge and a local touch. Every month, we dive back into our keyword research and propose 5 new keywords that would complement our current strategy for the best possible results. Upon client approval, we then narrow down our list to 2 keywords and develop an article around this topic. 

For the next step, our experienced copywriters conduct in-depth research for each article. To ensure we are meeting the needs of our target audience, we also develop and conduct surveys to help better inform our approach. The data is then repurposed (as below) into helpful tidbits, graphics, and relatable stats to engage the target audience and promote further interaction with the brand. 

Bar graph showing children age when dual income parents were the busiest parenting

Bar graph showing data gathered from a Reima survey on what age children were when dual income parents felt the busiest.

As much as creating in-depth content is a great first step, our approach doesn’t stop there. Throughout our content creation process, we maintain the highest level of quality across every deliverable. Each piece of content is put through an extensive quality review process to provide maximum value with maximum impact on every post. Some of our key quality checkpoints are:

  • The content includes a unique vision that is unique to our post.
  • Based on current Google rankings for the target keyword, the content aligns with user intent.
  • The content gives 25% to 50% more depth, detail, or clarity of information than other blogs of the same topic.
  • The post is at least 2000 Japanese characters long.
  • There are at least 2 inbound and 2 outbound links coming from and going to other Reima content.
  • The content references Reima products and/or experience directly. 

Steal Our Best SEO Ideas!

Here are a couple quick discoveries we’ve pulled from the data of our latest SEO projects. Why? To help you make the changes you need to gain traction in the Japanese market! As an agency, we are always digging deeper and searching for those little yet significant tweaks that will push our clients to the next level of success. If you need a partner to help you identify and implement changes like these on a monthly basis, let us know!

Do you want to see huge jumps in your organic traffic, like we were able to accomplish for Reima?